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remember when . . . october's photography tip! {asheville baby photographer}

Friday, October 26, 2012

SPECIAL THANKS to those of you who answered the survey questions on this month's newsletter. If you missed it, here is a LINK to participate. Next month's photo tip will be based on your answers. If you are not receiving our monthly newsletter, sign up to the right of this post.

October's Photography Tip:  Fun ways to document your child's growth
If you are a new parent, you can almost become a psychic and know when a person sees you and your baby together, they are going to say something to the effect of, "Enjoy every moment you can! They grow up so fast!"  Sadly, they are so right!  And even though you may be snapping shots of your little one at lightening speed when they blow a new kind of spit bubble or halfway roll over, you may still be missing out on how to really show just how much they're growing.

Below are some fantastic tips to help you "remember when" your little one was that small.

0-12 months

Some like to document weekly, some monthly and some just by the milestones their little one is achieving.  However frequent you want to capture this time, here are some ideas to make them a little bit more special.

  • Use an object like a stuffed animal, a hat, a special book, or basically anything meaningful to you or your child that does not change shape.  Sit this next to your wee one and watch them grow and eventually hold these objects in your pictures.
  • Place them in an object that they can grow into such as a unique chair, a wagon or a basket.
  • Along with placing them in an object, you can also place them by a tree, bush or flowerbed that changes seasonally.  
  • Write out your child's age on a chalkboard wrapped in a decorative frame (like one of the Organic Bloom Frames!) to playfully display that particular milestone.

One year and beyond!

After the 1st year, you may just want to highlight their growth on a yearly scale instead of weekly/monthly.  Let's face it, it's going to start getting much harder to keep them in one place long enough to take a picture now that they are becoming mobile!

Dress up for girls and boys!  For the girls, a simple timeless dress (little black dress time!) and a necklace.  She's going to want to play dress up in your room eventually so why not start now? :)  For the boys, pick one of Dad's dress shirts and ties and watch how your little boy grows up and begins to fill them out as a young man.  The key is to never get rid of these articles of clothing so you can really see how much they are changing.

I just saw this last great idea on The Organic Bloom Frames Facebook page and I sure wish I had been doing it these past several years with my boys.  Again, take a chalkboard and have your child hold it on the 1st day of school.  On it, write what grade they are starting, the date and "When I grow up, I want to be a ..." What a precious way to document their growth and dreams.

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